Welcome to My Blog!
art, exhibition, painting, illustration, portrait, sale, design, Marina Manukian, diary of an artist
You're probably an art lover if you've come to my site. For you, I started the blog "Diary of an Artist". In the blog I will write about my experiences in my art world and those around me. I will describe the art exhibitions I visited and will visit. I will recommend cultural events taking place in my area and share with you my successes and frustrations in climbing to get the global appreciation for my artwork.

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My vision is to get out of the current online world and establish a physical gallery in the city that will cater to art collectors, new works by artists, cultural events and a learning center, as well as support for artists. Until then, I will write to you about the obstacles along the way, about familiarity with partners in action and deliberations in the process.
About me
I have a BA in Art History from Tel Aviv University. During my studies, I experimented with a variety of materials and techniques and searched for my style in artistic creation. I tried photography, sculpture, drawing, watercolor and oil painting. I've created collages and even creative writing. I discovered the graphic programs and their "cleaning" in free creation (you don't have to clean the studio when you finish working on the painting :). Today I draw with graphic software Illustrator and at the same time research other creative software.
I will update a new post every week, subscribe to the newsletter and receive regular updates about the blog and the new artworks that will be uploaded on the site intended for sale in a limited edition.
Cheak out my new paintings in the Surrealist style